Hi everybody. Before I begin I’d like to explain shortly why I’ve chosen this topic not other. As you surely know money is funds that we use almost every day. This is a kind of source necessary to fulfill our needs. Money itself is not interesting except for amounts that we possess and amounts that we’re trying to gain. People use to say ‘money doesn’t give happiness’ – I don’t think so! The 2 main activities related with each other are spending and earning. Earning of money is an activity that I’m interested in very much and I’d like you to share with me all experience that you have in it. Ok let’s start.
A Bank
Institution that earns money generally on loans, credits, bonds, mortgages etc. (Banker said…) Banks doesn’t have unlimited assets so on the other side they also have to get money from somebody. Mostly these “somebodies” are customers and companies. I.e. someone makes a deposit with interest rate 5% and puts 10.000 zl then someone takes a loan with interest rate 15% and gets 10.000 zl so the bank profit is 10% from 10.000zl. This was only very simple example how bank works nevertheless banks have other more serious financial sources like real estates or stock exchange market which is unsteady, unsafe but brings better and faster results (of course not always vide Lehman Brothers).
I’m more than sure that all of you have a bank account which is now not a standard but almost required instrument in daily life. Banks usually offer usually standard account with a low interest rate and without extra payment you can get a debit account or saving account just by submitting your application even through web page. Personally I was using branch of PKO BP internet bank called ‘Inteligo’ but last time I’ve made detailed analyze of charges and interests rates for saving accounts of few banks and I have to say that my winner is MBank – check their offer it’s really good. MBank offers 4 saving accounts with interests rate 4.2 %. It means that you can play with money (withdraw and transfer back) 4 times in a month without any extra cost – this is a really big advantage. They also offer revolving credit with interests rate 11.45% - i don’t know better offer on market.
Bank is just some kind of pocket that holds our money safe and gives extra if we have of them a lot. But let’s also focus on threats and risks related with this institution. I was searching the web to find some good articles about it instead I found these great movie clips from youtube that really changed my point of view on our monetary system. It’s like ‘never ending story’ movie but worth to be seen (just don’t read subtitles!):
Summarizing banks rule the world. It is a good friend for people who want to keep and save money systematically but not a good solution for someone who takes a loan just to repay other obligations i.e. credits in other banks.
■ In which bank you have an account?
■ Are you satisfied from your bank or maybe you’d like to change something?
■ Do you save money systematically?
■ Have you ever been in a credit trap?
■ Extra: Have you watched the movie? Sure?
Institution that earns money generally on loans, credits, bonds, mortgages etc. (Banker said…) Banks doesn’t have unlimited assets so on the other side they also have to get money from somebody. Mostly these “somebodies” are customers and companies. I.e. someone makes a deposit with interest rate 5% and puts 10.000 zl then someone takes a loan with interest rate 15% and gets 10.000 zl so the bank profit is 10% from 10.000zl. This was only very simple example how bank works nevertheless banks have other more serious financial sources like real estates or stock exchange market which is unsteady, unsafe but brings better and faster results (of course not always vide Lehman Brothers).
I’m more than sure that all of you have a bank account which is now not a standard but almost required instrument in daily life. Banks usually offer usually standard account with a low interest rate and without extra payment you can get a debit account or saving account just by submitting your application even through web page. Personally I was using branch of PKO BP internet bank called ‘Inteligo’ but last time I’ve made detailed analyze of charges and interests rates for saving accounts of few banks and I have to say that my winner is MBank – check their offer it’s really good. MBank offers 4 saving accounts with interests rate 4.2 %. It means that you can play with money (withdraw and transfer back) 4 times in a month without any extra cost – this is a really big advantage. They also offer revolving credit with interests rate 11.45% - i don’t know better offer on market.
Bank is just some kind of pocket that holds our money safe and gives extra if we have of them a lot. But let’s also focus on threats and risks related with this institution. I was searching the web to find some good articles about it instead I found these great movie clips from youtube that really changed my point of view on our monetary system. It’s like ‘never ending story’ movie but worth to be seen (just don’t read subtitles!):
Summarizing banks rule the world. It is a good friend for people who want to keep and save money systematically but not a good solution for someone who takes a loan just to repay other obligations i.e. credits in other banks.
■ In which bank you have an account?
■ Are you satisfied from your bank or maybe you’d like to change something?
■ Do you save money systematically?
■ Have you ever been in a credit trap?
■ Extra: Have you watched the movie? Sure?
I have my private account in mBank, and I am very satisfy about using it. I am also working in a bank in BNP Paribas and I know how it looks from the "other" side. In general people who are in credit trap are very big problem for banks. Banks do not want to take over their home, cars, etc. because this is not their business, this institutions are not selling goods. Their business is to earn money by selling financial products.
ReplyDeleteI have mu account in ING Bank Śląski. I'am satisfy about it, in the past I have an account in PKO, mBank and in my opinion ING is the best for me...I try to save money regularly,I never been in a credit trap.
ReplyDeleteI have my account in mBank like Szymon and I'm too very satisfy about using it.
ReplyDeleteBefore, I had account in PKO BP but it was very big mistake. I don't recommend this bank.
Have you ever been in credit trap?
Yes, I have been in credit trap because of policy bank.
I have my account in PKO BP. It's hard to say if I'm satisfied, because most of my money is used on daily basics and I usually don't have bigger savings so I don't need any big interest rates.
ReplyDeleteI have never been in a credit trap, because never had a credit :) and I hope I won't need one for a long time.
Definitely watching the movie was worth the time. While I was aware of most of the mentions things it's still pretty scary
I have account in Nordea Bank. I have coiced this option because I have their brunch close to my house - exactly 20 meters :) I'm satisfied, I don't have to pay for everything - almost all services are for free.
ReplyDeleteI have an account in mBank and I am happy with this institution. Online banking, quick and worry-free money transfers makes my financial life easier - I wouldn't want to change anything in it. I like to save money but sometimes it's hard and therefore I am not able to do it systematically. I have never been in a credit trap before and I hope it stays that way.
ReplyDeleteI just opened an account in mBank ;) I needed the card for Euronet ATM
ReplyDeleteIn which bank you have an account?
ReplyDeletembank and pko
Are you satisfied from your bank or maybe you’d like to change something?
Well, I'm satisfied from both banks but the account in mBank is free, so I'm thinking about removing account from PKO
Do you save money systematically?
No :(
Have you ever been in a credit trap?
No :)
Extra: Have you watched the movie? Sure?
Of course.. no! :D
I have an account but I don't use it to often. I can say I am satisfied with my bank because whenever I want to put or withdraw my money from the bank there are no queues and that is important for me.
ReplyDeleteSince I am not using my bank account I didn't have any problems with credits.