Japanese customarily bow to each other rath

Most Japanese are addressed by their last name. The title san is attached to all names, male and female. It is sexless combination of Mr., Mrs. and Ms. Another title you may often hear used is sensei used for teachers, elders, artists, politicians or others in respected positions.
Japanese are generally very soft spoken; using a quiet tone while speaking will be appreciated. Japanese are at ease with long pauses in conversation, and tend to stand rather far apart during conversation. When japanese try to make a point, they usually start around the edged and lead into the main point carefully.
Name Cards
Proper handling of name cards, or meishi is important in Japan. When offered a name card in a meeting, accept it with both hands, examine it for a few seconds, then place it on the table or desk. the name card should be kept out for the entire meeting, for it is considered to ignore name cards.

Tips are rarely expected in Japan. You should not tip in taxis, restaurants or hotels; in fact Japanese frequently refuse to accept tips even when offered. Hotel and restaurant bills generally include a 10 - 15 percent service charge.
You may wear your street shoes into all Western-style restaurants and office buildings. However, at traditional Japanese restaurants, private homes, and many temples and other tourist sites, you will be expected to remove your shoes before stepping inside.
The place of honor in a traditional Japanese dinner party is directly in front of the tokonoma, an elevated alcove which usually contains a scroll hanging on the wall and an ornament or flower arrangement on the floor. At the beginning of the dinner, the host will raise his cup in a toast (kampai) to all present.
Useful Phrases
Japanese is spoken almost without stress or emphasis on syllables or words.
- Good Morning Ohayo gozaimasu
- Good Day Konnichi-wa
- Good Evening Konban-wa
- Goodbye Sayonara
- Good night (before sleeping) Oyasuminasai
- Thank you Domo arigato gozaimasu
- I'm sorry Sumimasen
Useful Advices:
- NOT BE LATE for appointments.
- Do not chew gum when working or in other formal situations.
- When Japanese start work at 9 AM, they START WORK at 9 AM.
- Avoid lots of jewelry or very colorful clothes when going to work.
- It's polite to put "-san" after anothers name, or "-chan" after a young girls name, or "-kun" after a boy's name, but NEVER use these after your own.
- For taxis the driver will open/close the rear left hand door for you.
- It's polite to belittle the value of your gift or food when you offer it, even if it's blatantly untrue.
- After coming back from a vacation it is normal to bring a small gift for all those you work with, even if you don't really like them a lot. Nothing expensive is required,however.
- It's polite to bring some food(gift - wrapped in more formal situations) or drinks when you visit someone.
Gift giving is very important in Japan, but extravagant gifts require an equally or slightly higher extravagant gift in return. Avoid giving pricey gifts.
- Giving cash is normal for ceremonies like weddings and funerals; but give in special envelopes with a printed or real tie around it (available in stationary and convenience stores). Use new and not old bills.
- It's polite to initially refuse someone's offer of help. Japanese may also initially refuse your offer even if they really want it. Traditionally an offer is made 3 times. It may be better to state you'll carry their bag, call a taxi, etc., instead of pushing them to be polite and refuse.

Japanese table manners example:
What do you think about refuse help by Japanese ?
Did Polish and Japanese habits different so much?
What is your opinion?
Give example of Japanese habits if you know them and explain.
This whole idea of asking three times if they need your help is kind of weird and stupid to me. Either you need help or not – simple as that. Strongly stating for example "I’ll carry your bag" may be good for them, while in Poland it can be abusive in some way. I wouldn’t want someone on the airport to grab my bag and push me into the taxi cab without asking about it. I think Japanese and Polish habits are very different and some of them might seem impossible to realize for one or the other nation.
ReplyDeleteWhen Japanese start work at 9 AM, they START WORK at 9 AM.
ReplyDeleteWhen Polish start work at 9 AM, they start work at 10 AM :P