Wednesday, 28 October 2009

PechaKucha 20x20

Hello Guys:)
I've got an extra task for you, for extra points.
Have you heard of PechaKucha ???
I took part in such an event the previous week.
Your task is to check what it is and present your point of view.Give links to interesting sites that present it. What do you think of this new trend? I liked it a lot?
Have Fun!


  1. I'm a bit skeptical about strict forms like this one. Is every subject could be presented fully within 6:40? What about dialog with an audience? It's main point is to make presentation fast and interesting. Surely it would be fast, but the rest highly depends on the presenter and subject. I think I should go for such event to make my final opinion, but for now I see nothing special in it.

    For those who don't like google ;) :

  2. I think that this kind of presentation is not effective. In my opinion on slides there should be only some slogans, and little part of information, because the the people, who should listen to the presenter would read the text on presentation and would not listen with attention presenter. I am very sceptical of this kind of solution like PechaKucha.

  3. I see you have to see it live:)
    There were no people who got bored. It was very informative, after the presentations you could talk to the presenters and after the meeting you can go online and see it in depth. I do recommend it, next one will be in Warsaw in January.

  4. "I see you have to see it live:)"
    Maybe I will. January is far ahead ... hmmm ... no it's not - I saw xmas decorations today in Obi ;)

  5. In my view this is a good idea for small topics. Sometimes people do presentations for 15-20 minutes, talk about everything that they know about subject, and this is not the point of presentation. In this Pecha Kucha you know that you have limited time for each slide and this may be a good training for people to learn to deliver only main point of problem/topic.

    "What about dialog with an audience?"
    Presentations are short, so people remember the content and can do conversation after the presentation :)

  6. I think Pecha Kucha is a great thing that allows people to tell about their passions, hobbies or work in a way that is different than they would usually present a topic. What is more, all those presentations are held in places where people can relax and have a drink - I think that attracts the audience big time. Attending one of those can not only be interesting and informative but also fun because different people present different topics which sometimes can be extremely funny.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think that Pech Kucha can be a great idea. I would like to see this kind of presentation and I will check how much I remember.
