Monday, 19 October 2009

Snowboarding part 2. Snowboarding styles

Alpine Style (alpin)

It is downhill along carefully prepared routes with the use of "hard" equipment. Alpine snowboarding in the beginning was the major trend however, it has been relegated to the margins.

Competitions held under the alpin are giant slalom and parallel giant slalom, whereas slalom and downhill run are no longer in the FIS’s official classification.

Snowboarding entered for the first time the Olympic Games in 1998 in Nagano. This perfectly illustrates the very rapid and expansive growth of snowboarding in the world. How many other disciplines entered the Olympic program after only 30 years of existence? The presence of giant slalom (and parallel giant slalom since The Olimpic Games in Salt Lake City in 2002) and halfpipe among the Olympic disciplines can be regarded as an expression of compromise on the choice made from the numerous snowboarding events. The lobbying of alpine events by the FIS has likewise played an important role here. The introduction of another snowboarding discipline, snowboard cross, to the Olimpic Games in Turin 2006 proves that snowboarding is still giving new opportunities and developing gaining crowds of new enthusiasts.

Boardercross (BX)

According to the FIS, snowboard cross (boardercross - ISF) is considered a downhill discipline (alpin). However, there are reasonable grounds to consider it as a mixed discipline. Firstly, it allows competitors on both, soft and hard sets. Secondly, the BX course, is composed of different landforms and is dotted with numerous obstacles, such as moguls, curves, ridges, single, double and triple jumps, rails, spiral ramps (curves of 540 °), or even swimming pools with water. This requires of the player the skills learned from freestyle (the ability to control a jump and to land properly).

What counts in this competition is, effectiveness and speed; the style is not evaluated.

The format of the competition makes it more spectacular and exciting. Four competitors go down shoulder to shoulder along the same track, the one that reaches the finishing line first wins. It is the most contact discipline within snowboarding. Competitors often collide with each other and are frequently injured. Boardercross is a bit like motocross games. Apart from the official competitions held according to the FIS’s principles, there are a number of extreme types of BX held during the year, such as the one in Bansko in Bulgaria. It is the competition in wild ride, where the route is the whole slope and the, skiers and telemark skiers take part as well.

winner is the person who gets to the bottom of the hill first, irrespective of the rout he or she has chosen. The formula is simple: competitors set off from the hilltop with a joint start and through the natural elimination the one that gets to the finishing line at the bottom of the hill is the winner. natural method, which is the first rolling off the bottom is the winner. In this competition, apart from snowboarders

Freeride (FR)

It is sometimes presented as a discipline in between alpin and freestyle, which is not true. Freeride, from a philosophical point of view, was the discipline, which set the direction for snowboarding. The notion of "Back To The Roots" - back to the roots of snowboarding, has recently become fashionable. It is the philosophy for which snowboarding was born - a sense of liberty and freedom, the direct contact with nature, the search for the "flow".

In the mountains there is no policy, no rules except those that serve our safety. Freeride is connected with high risk. This is the discipline of snowboarding with most fatal cases. The most extreme type of FR is going down with avalanches. For this purpose, an avalanche is purposely released and a snowboarder tries to swim with it on its surface. It frequently happens that inexperienced snowboarders, trying to slide beyond mark routs, accidentally trigger avalanches. Such cases often end tragically. Communing with the mountains requires experience, the ability to recognize weather and snow conditions and an adequate assessment of the situation and its possibilities. In Poland, because of lack of suitable terrain conditions (lack of steep mountains above 1500 meters), it is difficult to go in for FR. The conditions proper for freeride are virtually narrowed to the Tatra Mountains, and even there the practice of FR is strictly prohibited.

Freestyle (FS)

Freestyle is what it literally means. It was spread by Americans on skateboarding, BMX (bicycle motocross), and snowboarding. It is also present in music, rhyming, breakdance and fashion. FS’s ideology boils down to the rejection of restrictions, and its main elements are spontaneity and naturalness, and being in agreement with one’s inner beliefs. Snowboarding subculture has developed its own unique vocabulary - the type of slang which emphasizes the snowboarder’s identity and facilitates communication in the international sports arena.

In snowboarding freestyle riders run on everything, because as they claim, what counts is the idea itself. However, the most popular, and the ones which offer the greatest opportunities, are snowparks. At the fenced off part of the slope there are numerous obstacles of different sizes and shapes: jumps and rails (S - Rail, C - Rail, rainbows, broken and sloping rails, and others), pipes, quarterpips, boxes, benches, etc.

Related links: - info about polish spots - here you can check life the whether in polish spots.. - global snowboard community - global spots webcams

Tell me about your style..:)

Maybe there are some other disciplines you like? Please tell me about them..:)


  1. I don't use snowboard, therefore I will focus on a different style of skiing.

    Not so long ago, I have decided to try the short skis, which have always had a faddish appeal because of their ease in turning and their adaptability for hot-dogging, are making a comeback. Using short skis is pure pleasure and the speed you can obtain on them is amazing. Short skis are basically rollerblades that have skis instead of wheels. Take a look at the picture below:

    I really encourage everyone who likes skiing to give a shot on the returning trend - short skis.

  2. Wow, I've never been into winter sports but the idea you presented is amazing! Rollerblades was my first sport as a child (apart from such obvious sports like football, basketball or volleyball). I spent much time in them and even now, after many years, I'm still thinking about buying ones. Maybe this way, I'll stop thinking of winter as this cold, unpleasant period of the year. I'm really glad you suggested this, thanks!

  3. Although (like I said before) I first tried snowboarding when I was 15, I'm still a beginner in this discipline...Oh, maybe not a beginner, but undoubtedly not a advanced rider. On a slope I try not to cause any deaths or major injuries ;) That sometimes means I do jumps and flips- so I ride freestyle :P
    Ok, seriously- I prefer snowboarding on prepared routes, more or less difficult. I also try making simple tricks. Freeriding seems to be exciting, but it's for someone more advanced.

  4. I love skiing however I'm not a master in this discipline ;-)I've never dared to try snowboarding. I believe it's a sport for very fit people and your presentation confirms my opinion. I didn't expect there are so many sophisticated styles, but all of them seem so dangerous... I heard about short skis (mentioned by Rafał), but I've never seen them in Poland. My German friend told me that there are very popular also among little children. That sound pretty encouraging to me, I will rather try short skis then snowboarding ;-)

  5. As I wrote before I am not a great fan of winter sports but it does not mean that I don’t like it. I’m rather neutral in my opinion about it. The equipment is really expensive and one has to go to the mountains to ski or skateboard. The most, I like skating. There are some nice skating rinks in Warsaw and I go there quite often. I do it well and it brings me a lot of fun. I get cold easily and 1 hour of skating is enough for me. In the mountains, it is colder and one has to spend a lot of time standing in queues waiting for a ski lift. What is more, slopes are rather short and more time you spend in queues than going down the ski run.

  6. Well I'm not that great at skiing either, but I surely love it. Sadly, haven't been on any skiing trip recently though. That has to change !!!
    I like the idea of short skis and I've seen people using them in Poland when I was in the Tatry mountains few years ago. It really looks and sounds like fun, so next time I got a change, I'm gonna try it. Life is too short to let opportunity like this walk by =)
    Season is close so its time to shop shop shop people ! Need to replace some really old and dusty skiing outfit, but first it's time to try it on and see if it's still good.
    So where was it. Maybe in the attic. Ugh I hate this ice cold and dark place...

  7. Snowboarding is not only ride on the board. This a awsome vibe related with whole trip to the mountains. I always practise the other sport at the stoke bars..... ;)

  8. I love snowboarding! It makes me feel free and in my opinion is much more enjoyable than skiing. However, after an accident with my bonelet I have to postpone it till next winter =(

  9. Hmm.. It's very hard for me to define me style;) It's depends of the day and my inspiration ;)I can call it Freeride or Freestyle.

  10. I don't do snowboarding so I don't have any style ;). After watching the videos you posted, all of the styles seem to me pretty hazardous, but if I had to choose one of them it would definitely be Freeride.

  11. For someone who's never before do snowboarding everyone style looks amazing.
    If I have to choise one of them I'll definitely choise Freestyle :)
    People are presenting this style impress me of agility.

  12. This movie clips are outstanding! I can't wait to try snowboarding this year... All these jumps, tricks are AMAZING! I'm wondering how long it takes to make things like they do? I'm planning to go to Italy this year in the end of March. In this time ski pass is free! Surely i will spent most of time trying to make some tricks :) It's fuN!

  13. Wow, I would like to try it, jump over the road ;P
