Extreme sports may seem a many times talked over subject, which we all are quite familiar with. First associations that come to your minds after mentioning this matter are usually bungee jumping, parachuting or rafting- and you are not mistaken. There is a large chance that some of you have tried it. However, these are well-worn disciplines- new ones emerge quite frequently in different parts of the world and are more or less surprising. The aim of my presentation is to introduce you with some innovations in the “field” of extreme sports. I am myself quite often astonished with innovative “strokes of genius” of some dare-devils .
First of all, what are the qualities of the term “extreme sport”, so that a new sport can become one? An extreme sport is one that engages some uncontrollable factors- therefore you not only struggle to win with an opponent , score or achieve and aim, but you also have to strive with environment or own capabilities in an unfortunate and difficult circumstances. Sports categorized to this group are usually more typical for young people and are practiced more solitarily. Adrenaline is also an integral element when engaging in extreme sports.
Thus it is questionable, whether some sports should be credited with the term “extreme sport” e.g snowboard or scuba diving seem innocent when compared to wingsuit flying or ice kite surfing. But categorizing is not the matter of my presentation- I’m willing to make you familiar with some newest inventions under the entry of extreme sports and its extremity I leave to your evaluation.
Giant like waves that draw up surfers from all over the world to Hawaii, for some seem not enough. The very newest invention is the Ice Glacier Surfing that not only brings novelty for adrenaline seekers, but also draws attention to global warming. Alaska may soon become very popular among surfers, as melting glaciers provoke water ruffling- brilliant conditions for courageous surfers.
-“When massive glaciers start to melt, huge chunks of ice crash into the sea, resulting in gargantuan waves. And where there are waves, there are surfers”
Global warming is the reason, why this is even possible to be exercised, but is it really helping to draw attention to the problem or only supposedly? This and the matter of its extremity I leave to your evaluation.

The previous sport is trifle for you? Take that- wingsuit flying is the closest thing to real flying, no additional equipment apart what you wear. Otherwise called Wingsuit base jumping. For some a revised version of skydiving for some just another kind of risking life- anyhow, it is spectacular! It involves using a special jumpsuit that shapes human body into an airfoil, which creates lifting. At the end of each flight a parachute is used for stopping and safe landing. It may not be the newest invention, but still isn’t very widespread. Especially that some forerunners of this sport find it boring to jump in open spaces- they now prefer to beguile it with a more exiting environments. I thought I was worth mentioning for its “showy” nature.
Have I mentioned that they sometimes also use so called rocket boots? Here you can take a look If you are interested
Have I mentioned that they sometimes also use so called rocket boots? Here you can take a look If you are interested
These rocket boots are great.. I wonder how fast are they "flying".. I like these film when they are flying near this mountain.. It looks wonderful:)
ReplyDeleteI find those wingsuits very intriguing, especially when i saw the video when they are flyign over the hills in the mountains. It looks really fun, but I don't know if i would dare to try it :) It must be a great feeling flying like this though.
ReplyDeleteExtreme sports are always connected with high risk so i admire people who have courage to try skydiving or basejumping. I dream to try one time flying like people on your movies - beautiful experience. I found some movies concerning ES maybe you`ll want to take a look. For sure bodyblading is worth to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS31BVj9g-A
I really like the Wingsuit Flying and I would definetely like to try it someday. It looks amazing yet very dangerous, especially if something goes wrong. I imagine that you can reach very high speeds whil flying. It take a great amount of courage to do things like this and I really respect people who like and can do such things.
ReplyDeleteWow, the wingsuit flying looks really amazing as well as terrifying. It actually looks like they are flying but I suppose that the vertical speed is nearly as high as if you where falling straight down. This makes the moment in the video when the guy flies just a few meters next to the mountain road insane!
ReplyDeleteRocket boots are cool :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know, I'd decide to use them but looks great. Flying must be incredible experience.
I want my own Rocket boots!!Flying is my dream from childhood
ReplyDeleteI would like to try Wingsuit Flying. I think it is like flying and we can feel like births, not only dropping from the plane and land with the parachute.