Since the time of immemorial, animals have played significant roles in people’s lives. They are believed to be the best friends which never let down. People have animals for different reasons. One of them is loneliness which can be relieved with the help of a close friend which is always near a person in need. What is more, a hug with a pet can reduce blood pressure better than some drugs. This is the reason why some animals like dogs or horses are used to cure children with special needs. A lot of blind people claim that without their wonderful pets they would not be able to exist. They are more than their friends. Sometimes, dogs turn out to be the last hope for the disabled. Besides, having a pet is a test of being responsible and that is why some couples decide to possess an animal as they want to know whether they will be good parents or not. A very similar situation is with teenagers whose parents’ want to make them reliable. There are several duties connected with animals about which every person should remember: food, walks, fun, tricks and so on.
Furthermore, infertile marriages often have pets owing to the fact that they want to transfer their protectiveness to something. When they have a pet to love and look after they usually forgot about the emptiness connected with lack of their own babies and feel relaxed.
Dogs are also used to guard or protect. There have been a lot of situations when dogs saved somebody’s life or health. Their help is crucial when accidents happen in the mountains or when police seek for drugs or lost person.
As can be seen from the above animals are significant in people’s lives because of many reasons. Those “creatures” give a lot of fun and are extremely faithful. If they love they to that to the end of their lives.
The most popular animals
According to the web site the most common animals in Słupsk are fish. It can be owing to the fact that they do not need much attention every day. It is enough to feed them or change water from time to time. The second place on that list take cats probably because of the same reasons. One does not have to walk it or train. The third, well-deserved place have dogs which undoubtedly need much attention and care especially when you keep it in a flat and not in a house with a garden. Dogs, just like other animals, become members of our families. We spend with them a lot of time as they need to be walked, fed, treated and so on. There are some more domestic animals like a guinea pig, a rat, a hamster, a mouse, a parrot, a rabbit, a snake or a canary.
My dog
On March 2008 my wife and I decided to buy a dog. It was a very well-thought decision, not made on the spur of the moment. I was working long hours and my wife, who is a teacher, felt a little bit lonely especially because we haven’t got any family here in Warsaw and she used to have a lot of animals in her family house. We divided our duties connected with dog and went to buy it. Before it, we had been thinking about an adoption of a dog from a shelter but finally we decided that we want a dog which would not lose its fur and does not cause an allergy.
Now, Holly, because it is the name of our dog - schnauzer miniature, is less than 2 years old. (I will be writing about her using female pronoun “she” as she turned out to be a real member of our family.) Her hair, because she hasn’t got fur, is salt and pepper. She is rather small in comparison with other schnauzers and that is why we assume that she had to be the youngest dog in the litter. Her eyes are brown, a nose is small and black and ears are protruded. The coat ought to be trimmed short on the body, but the hair on , legs, and edge of the body, is retained. A very characteristic feature of a schnauzer is a beard. It should be neat and tidy and brush after every eating.

The character of this breed may be moody and that is why a person who wants to buy such a dog should know a lot in order not to be surprised. My dog’s character is more or less what you can find underline:
“The Official Standard of the Miniature Schnauzer describes temperament as "alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. Friendly, intelligent and willing to please. They should never be overaggressive or timid."Usually easy to train, they tend to be excellent watchdogs, with a good territorial instinct, but more inclined toward vocal notification than attack. They are often guarded towards strangers until the owners of the home welcome the guest, upon which they are typically very friendly to them; unlike some of their terrier cousins, they are not typically aggressive. However, they will express themselves vocally, and may bark to greet their owner, or to express joy, excitement, or displeasure. In German, the verb schnauzen means to snap vocally or to give lip to something, or to talk back
Proper socialization with other dogs and people is important.The breed is generally good with children, but as with any dog, play with small children should be supervised. They are highly playful dogs, and if not given the outlet required for their energy they can become bored and invent their own "fun." Schnauzers have a "high prey drive" (appropriate for a ratting dog), which means they may attack other small pets such as birds, snakes, and rodents. Many will also attack cats, but this may be curbed with training, or if the dog is raised with cats.” (taken from
To sum up, I would like to state that those people who have any pets seem to be more sensitive or friendly than those who haven’t got. (That is my personal opinion yet it doesn’t mean that I don’t like people who don’t possess any animals.)
And now some questions…
Have you got a pet? What is it? What does is look like? What is it like? If you have, please put the picture of your dog. How did it happen that you have a pet? If you haven’t got a pet please write what animal you would like to have and why… Do you think an animal can be the best friend and may substitute a real human being?
Next part of my presentation will be devoted to :
- A pedigree or mongrel dog?
- How to teach your dog new tricks?
ReplyDeleteWell done Rafał. I have the same opinion. People who are takeing care of animals are more sensitive and outgoing. And everybody who can, should have one (or more). I'm going to take (adopt) two little cats. There are many announcements about dropped "pussies" ...I mean kitties :), on the Internet. I don't want any "thoroughbred" cat, simple roofer would be perfect.
Unfortunately I have to wait few days - I'm still during removal to new flat. But when I finish, I won't wait any longer. At the mean time we're thinking about the names: Mort & Sid.
Cheerio, Tomek
I love dogs ( Large Breeds ) but I live in a mid-size apartment and do not have enougth space and time to taking care of him. This is an absolutely true fact, that animals locked in an apartment ( especially big one ) need space to run or move.
ReplyDeleteIt is unfair for a dog to be locked in an apartment all day, even more if they are alone. No dog enjoys being locked up alone. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't like to be locked in a room all day .....
Deciding to get a dog is a huge decision that should not be taken lightly.
i'm sure that dog could not be substitue a human being. I experienced it emiprically. :> My neighbor is old maid (stara panna (?) ;)) and she has dog,cat and she is weird and hasn't contact with other people than her mother. when i was a child she told my mother to take me to psychologist beacause i was (and still i am) left-handed!!11~~!1 :>
ReplyDeleteMy family has a Saint Bernard that we got in year 2004. My brother was the initiator of the 'dog idea'. He really wanted to have a pet and my family agreed without a doubt. Her name is Bunia and she is adorable. As a young puppy she was very clumsy and would walk into everything that erected in front of her. Bunia was extremely sociala from the very beginnig. She wouldn't anyone leave her by herself for the first few nights. Here is a picture of her when she was 2 weeks old: . Bunia is now a grown female weighing about 80 kg and her approximate height at the withers is 75 cm. The St. Bernard Dog is a very large breed of dog from the Swiss Alps, originally bred for rescue. The breed has become famous through tales of alpine rescues with a barrell of rum under snout, as well as for its enormous size. Below are two most recent photos of her: , . Even though dogs are very intelligent and lovable, they wouldn't be able replace a human being. Being able to speak and listen is one of the most important characteristics that human beings posses and nothing can substitute that. However, if a person doesn't have anyone, a dog can be a true friend and a great help.
ReplyDeleteI don't own any pet and I don't want to because of the responsibility which comes with it. Pets can be a problem when you want go on holidays or even visit your friends, also they can destroy your flat when you are gone, because they are lonely or just crazy. People buy pets to avoid loneliness but then they leave their new friends alone in their apartamens and thats not fair is it?
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of dogs when i lived in my family home but right now i cannot have any animals except fishes (sic!) because of my small flat... I love pets especially dogs. I had Caucasian Shepherd Dog ( that was my true best friend. He had ears (weird? yes!), white fur, black paws and muzzle - unconventional look. After i had Rottweiler which were tame like a sheep - never attacked nobody. After Siberian Husky - weird dog... He was very untrustfull despite the fact that we always treated our animals very well. However i can totally agree with you that possesing animals influence positively on peoples ways on thinking, ways of life. Personally i think that dogs are the most devoted human friends.
ReplyDeleteI love dogs too. I have really crazy dog - this is a little dog but he mess up more than big dog. I have a French Buldog. You can see his photo visit adress which I hung below:
As I write earlier French Buldog's are very crazy dogs, they never gonna be tired... for me all of these dogs suffer from ADHD:)
He calls snoop. Snoop is my second french buldog. Before I have had french bulldog which called MAX. I can't imagine my life without buldogs and I can't imagine I will have dog other breed than french buldog.
I also have a dog. It's a dachshund/"badger dog" (...just wondering why is there so much German dog naming in English language) - it's very similar to the one in the last video above. Most of the time my dog is very joyful, aggressive to strangers, and sometimes pretty stupid... despite that I can't imagine having any other dog.
ReplyDeleteMy family had many mongrel dogs and I think they are very cute. If I have to decide I'll choose pedigree dog, maybe because I've never had that dog and I'm very curious to.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, I'd like to buy chihuahua and this is pedigree dog.
I have a dog. It's not a not a thoroughbred dog, but it so beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteYou can see it on my this picture ;).My friend hust had a litttle nice dogs to donate, so I take and now I have some problems;))
I don't have any pet. I had some years ago a cat named "kicia", but she's gone away :(