Driveless Pods
You might have seen them in Minority Report. Imagine, just getting into your car and not having to navigate the streets on the way to work.
It’s a personal rapid transit system that features driver-less pods on "guide-ways" built above the ground. They will run like a non-stop freeway with designed exits and entrances to stations.
Electric Bike
It combines the convenience and simplicity of riding a regular bike with the electric power increasing the speed and decreasing the time you travel from A to B.
MagLev Trains
A transportation system that is guided and propelled by magnetic levitation. They are not only significantly faster than regular trains but are also much more quiet, smooth and eco friendly. The system is currently implemented in several high developed Asian cities such as Shanghai.
They are similar to escalators, but instead taking you up or down, they will take you parallel to the road. They could replace conventional pavements allowing passengers to travel at higher speeds than walking.
A two wheeled mode of transportation powered by electricity allowing you to travel up to 20km/h along a pavement.
Backpack helicopter
A futuristic vision similar to a Jet Pack. It consists of a helicopter motor and rotator strapped on to an individual’s back.
It’s a big comeback after 70 years. Environmentalists are favoring them to planes due to their low usage of fuel and low amplitudes on which they fly.
Last but not least - the funniest one, from the “Back to the future” movie series:
Which of these do you think will become popular in the not distant future?
Have you ever used any of the currently available (Segway/MagLev) mentioned transportation systems?
Which ones do you consider rather as toys and which ones as actual improvements?
When do you think Poland will implement any of these future means of transportation?
What’s your favorite one?
Regarding short-distance transportation in my opinion driverless cars will dominate the future because this solution can almost completely eliminate traffic accidents.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore it can also decrease traffic jams not only because cars will use optimal routes but also because distance between them could be much smaller.
In long-distance transport I think the future belongs to high-speed trains, in near future Maglev but later we can expect trains moving in vacuum tunnels much faster than planes.
Backpack Helicopters, Segways, Zeppelins, Hoverboards are rather toys for entertainment in my opinion, while Sidewalks have very limited appliances like in the airports etc.
I doubt Poland will implement these technologies in near future, although every technology spreads over time we may lack proper infrastructure, I can’t imagine Poland building entire network of Maglev or other high-speed train in reasonable time.
When do you think Poland will implement any of these future means of transportation?
ReplyDeleteI think.. kids our kids will be using this devices ;)
Favorite? I like ride a bike so I would like to have electric bike :)
I guess that one of the most famous kinds of transport mentioned above are segways in shopping centres :) Those guys who drive them look really funny. So far, I have never tried any of these means of transport but who knows. Everything is developing so fast that maybe in the near furtre everyone will have the opportunity to use driveless pods or sidewalks.
ReplyDeleteIn general I think that public communication in this form as it is now is ok. I think that enter by car to the centre of cites should be payed by the drivers... In case of Warsaw I would built more km of underground tunnels, and I would prepare more buspas`s. I hope, that in future nearest future people will change their cars to public communication.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have to bring in a futurist ways of transport. I think All what We need is develope our present infrastructure. We have to develope metro network, railway, carriageways, etc. We have all... but in pour condition.
ReplyDeleteWe have a lot of opportunities these days to change our life style connected with transport. We have a possibility right now to drive cars powered by electric engine, travel by magnetic trains and a lot more other possibilites to stop pollution of the environment. Unfortunately big petrol companies and goverments will not allow to replace fuel with any other source of energy.
ReplyDeleteI've never used MagLev but i saw a presentation of SegWay and i want to have one when i'll be able to buy.
SegWay is more kind of toy than serious mean of transportation but MagLev trains or Zeppelins can play important role in the future way of transportation.
SegWay is already in, electric bike maybe soon? It's hard for me to say/estimate when it will be especially like i wrote above till petrol companies will rule in energy sector we will always be their slaves.
Which of these do you think will become popular in the not distant future?
ReplyDeleteI think MagLev Trains'll become popular in the not distant future. We can see it in shanghai.
I don't know when Poland is going to follow it.
Have you ever used any of the currently available (Segway/MagLev) mentioned transportation systems?
No, I haven't.
Which ones do you consider rather as toys and which ones as actual improvements?
I consider rather as toys hoverboad and segway. I consider as actual improvements Driveless Pods, SkyTran and MagLev Trains.
When do you think Poland will implement any of these future means of transportation?
When I look and listen our politicians I don't believe it'll be quickly.
What’s your favorite one?
My favorite is Backpack helicopter :)
I'd like to be as a inspector gadget :)
I think Segways will be most popular soon, especially in the cities. You can see them now in many cities, more and more people are deciding to use them and it is a very good solution for older people who have problems with walking but can still manage to handle this ride. I have never tried any of these machines, but I would really like to do so. Backpack helicopter and a Hoverboard are definitely toys so far. Other ones can be considered for future use and development of public transport. I think Poland has to wait couple more years to implement any of these devices. It takes many sacrifices to do so, people have to learn how to use them and something has to be replaced in order for something new to come in. My personal favorite is the SideWalk which I had the chance to use in one of the US airports – it wasn’t very long (about 100m) but it makes the long hallway a pleasure to walk.
ReplyDelete>When do you think Poland will implement any of >these future means of transportation?
ReplyDeleteIn far, far, far future. I would love to see just reliable and not crowed basic means of transport. Nothing more.
1.) I think that Electric Bike will be most populuar very soon
ReplyDelete2.) I saw Segway in at Berlin and I never used it...
3.) I think that SegWay is some kind of toys
4.) In Poland?? no way;) although maybe in next century
5.) My favorite one is Electric Bike